Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage


remedial massage

Massage refers to the manipulation of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the body. A massage therapist uses his or her hands—the most important tool—to treat the patient and detect any physical and emotional problem. The patient’s body will be palpated to determine the condition of the tissues and the source of pain.

Our massage therapist will talk through your problem areas and discuss how long you have been affected. He or she will look and listen for clues in order to provide an effective treatment plan. To heal the cause and symptoms of the disorder, he or she must also look for the original biomechanical dysfunction.

If you have an injury or painful point that needs to be worked on, do not expect our therapist to only work on that body part. For example, if you have a sore thigh muscle, it might mean that you favour the other leg imperceptibly to avoid causing more pain to the originally affected area. This then causes a strain on the other leg.

Remedial massage aims to correct chronic imbalances. The techniques may be gentle or firm, deep or shallow, depending on your preference and what the issue requires. Overall, massage can holistically address the whole body to ease out tension and repair damage to muscles, joints, tendons, and soft tissue.